Appel à communications : Congrès 2020 de la SASE (date limite : 10/01/2020)

Dans le cadre du prochain congrès de la SASE (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics) qui se tiendra du 18 au 20 juillet 2020, à Amsterdam, un appel à communications pour une mini-conférence est ouvert.

Intitulé : Gender and Wealth Accumulation

Argumentaire partiel (en anglais) : this mini-conference aims to bring together scholars who study how gender may shape the reproduction/intensification of wealth concentration in different national contexts.

We are especially interested in papers addressing the following issues using a variety of methodological approaches, from ethnographic research to statistical analyses :

  • we welcome papers that study the political and legal framing of male and female accumulation, as well as the role of legal and wealth professionals (lawyers, judges, notaries, wealth managers, bankers, …) in the extension/reduction of the gap ;
  • how do spouses and partners manage their wealth ? How do they distribute it in the event of marital breakdown or death ? ;
  • a few countries have recently begun to collect individual-level wealth data. What does this evidence say about gender wealth gaps, especially within households ; how large are those gaps and how do they change across countries, depending on class, race, age, and between generations ?

Date limite de soumission des propositions : 10 janvier 2020, auprès des organisatrices Céline Bessière et Maude Pugliese.

Contact : Céline Bessière et Maude Pugliese
En savoir plus : appel complet disponible via l’adresse suivante

Publié le 10 décembre 2019